350 + Excel Keyboard Shortcuts And Hotkeys: Free PDF Cheat Sheet (2024)

350 + Excel Keyboard Shortcuts And Hotkeys: Free PDF Cheat Sheet (1)I'm constantly gathering information about Excel keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys. Some time ago, I started developing an extremely comprehensive list of Excel keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys.

You can get the most recent version of this Cheat Sheet for free. The current version includes more than 350 entries/shortcuts.

If you want to learn more about keyboard shortcuts, including how to find them and how to create custom shortcuts, please refer to this blog post.

You can getfree access to this Keyboard Shortcut PDF Cheat Sheet by clicking the button below.

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One advantage of getting the PDF Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet is that you can (later) bring the keyboard shortcuts from the PDF file into Excel to rearrange them according to your preferences. You can use any of these methods to convert PDF files to Excel. You can also implement these methods using VBA.

I list the keyboard shortcuts in the Tables below. Use the following Table of Contents to navigate to the category of keyboard shortcuts you're interested in.

Table of Contents

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Charts And Graphs

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
Alt + F1Create an embedded chart using currently selected data
Alt + JA(1) In Excel 2013 and later, go to Format tab of the Ribbon (when active); or (2) In Excel 2007 and 2010, go to Layout tab of the Ribbon (when active)
Alt + JCGo to Design tab of the Ribbon (when active)
Alt + JC + AIn Excel 2013 and later, expand Add Chart Element drop-down menu
Alt + N + BInsert Bar Chart
Alt + N + CInsert Column Chart
Alt + N + NInsert Line Chart
Alt + N + QInsert Pie or Doughnut Chart
Alt + N + RIn Excel 2013 and later, Recommended Charts
Alt + N + SDIn Excel 2013 and later, Insert Combo Chart
Alt + N + XInsert Text Box
F11Create a chart in a separate Chart sheet using currently selected data

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Data

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + BPaste special, skipping blanksWhen skipping blanks, existing values in the destination are not replaced by blanks in the source data
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + CPaste cell comments
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + DPaste special, performing an additionAdds the value in the clipboard to the value(s) in the destination cells
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + EAlt + H + V + TTranspose when pasting
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + HAlt + H + V + KPaste all, keeping source formatting
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + IPaste special, performing a divisionDivides the value(s) in the destination cells by the value in the clipboard
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + MPaste special, performing a multiplicationMultiplies the value(s) in the destination cells by the value in the clipboard
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + NPaste data validation
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + SPaste special, performing a subtractionSubtracts the value in the clipboard from the value(s) in the destination cell(s)
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + UAlt + H + V + APaste values and number formatting
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + VAlt + H + V + VPaste values
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + XAlt + H + V + BPaste all, except borders
Alt + A + MDisplays the Remove Duplicates dialog box
Alt + A + W + GDisplay the Goal Seek dialog box
Alt + A + W + SDisplay the Scenario Manager dialog box
Alt + A + W + TDisplay the Data Table dialog box
Alt + EnterStart
new line
within cell
Alt + H + C + PDisplay the Copy as Picture dialog
Alt + H + E + AClear all
Alt + H + E + LClear hyperlinks
Alt + H + E + MClear comments
Alt + H + E + RRemove hyperlinks
Alt + H + FI + ADisplay the Fill Across Worksheets dialog box
Alt + H + FI + JFill justify
Alt + H + FI + LFill left as follows: (1) Copy right-most cell of a selected range into cells to the left; or (2) Copy from right cell into active cell
Alt + H + FI + SDisplay the Series dialog box
Alt + H + FI + UFill up as follows: (1) Copy lower cell of a selected range into cells above; or (2) Copy from cell below into active cell
Alt + H + FODisplay the Clipboard task pane
Alt + H + V + EPaste values, keeping source formatting
Alt + H + V + IPaste linked picture
Alt + H + V + UPaste picture
Alt + R + AShow all comments
Alt + R + DDelete comment
Backspace(1) Within Formula Bar or cell (in cell-editing mode), deletes 1 character to the left or deletes the selection (if any); or (2) When not in cell-editing mode, clears the contents of selected/active cell(s)
Ctrl + 'Ctrl + Shift + 'Copy formula/text from cell above into active cell or Formula Bar
Ctrl + "Copy values/text from cell above into active cell or Formula Bar
Ctrl + ;Enter current date
Ctrl + Alt + VAlt + H + V + SDisplay the Paste Special dialog boxThere must be data in the Clipboard for command to be available
Ctrl + CCtrl + InsertAlt + H + C + CCopy
Ctrl + DAlt + H + FI + DFill down as follows: (1) Copy top cell of a selected range into cells below; or (2) Copy from cell above into active cell
Ctrl + DeleteDelete to the end of current line
Ctrl + EAlt + H + FI + FFlash Fill
Ctrl + Enter(1) Enter current entry in selected range and stay in same active cell; or (2) Complete cell entry and stay in same active cell
Ctrl + K(1) Within a cell without hyperlinks, display the Insert Hyperlink dialog box; or (2) Within a cell with a hyperlink, display the Edit Hyperlink dialog box
Ctrl + QExpand the Quick Analysis tool
Ctrl + RAlt + H + FI + RFill right as follows: (1) Copy left-most cell of a selected range into cells to the right; or (2) Copy from left cell into active cell
Ctrl + Shift + :Enter current time
Ctrl + Shift + :Enter current time
Ctrl + VAlt + H + V + PPastePastes at the insertion point and replaces any selection. There must be data in the Clipboard for command to be available
Ctrl + XAlt + H + XCut
DeleteAlt + H + E + CClear contents of the selected/active cell(s)
DeleteWithin Formula Bar or cell (in cell-editing mode), deletes 1 character to the right or deletes the selection (if any)
Enter(1) Within cell or Formula Bar, complete cell entry and (by default) go to cell below; or (2) Within an AutoFilter list, filter the list using the selected itemEnter is also under the Navigation and Selection category
EscWithin cell of Formula Bar, cancel entryEsc is also under the Navigation and Selection category
F2Edit active cellPositions the insertion point at the end of cell contents. When Allow editing directly in cells is turned off, moves the insertion point to the Formula Bar
F7Display the Spelling dialog box
Right Mouse Button + EWhen a row or column is selected, insert copied or cut cells
Shift + EnterWithin cell of Formula Bar, complete cell entry and (by default) go to the cell above
Shift + F10 + mInsert or delete cell comment
Shift + F2Insert or edit a cell comment
Shift + F7Display the Thesaurus dialog box or task pane
Shift + Tab(1) Complete cell entry and move one cell to the left in a worksheet or to previous unlocked cell in a protected sheet; (2) Select suggestion from autocomplete to complete entry and move one cell to the left or to previous unlocked cellShift + Tab is also under the Navigation and Selection and Formulas and Functions categories
Tab(1) Complete cell entry and move one cell to the right in a worksheet or to next unlocked cell in a protected sheet; (2) Select suggestion from autocomplete to complete entry and move one cell to the right or to next unlocked cellTab is also under the Navigation and Selection and Formulas and Functions categories

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Display

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
AltF10Turn key tips (Ribbon keyboard shortcuts) On or OffAlt is also under the Navigation and Selection category
Alt + W + F + FFreeze Panes
Alt + W + IPage Break Preview
Alt + W + LNormal View
Alt + W + QDisplay the Zoom dialog box
Alt + W + VGView/hide gridlines
Ctrl + `Toggle between (1) displaying cell values and (2) displaying formulas in worksheet
Ctrl + 6Alternate between hiding and showing object(s)
Ctrl + F1Expand or collapse the Ribbon
Ctrl + F10Maximize/restore current selected workbook window
Ctrl + Scroll Mouse WheelZoom in/out
Ctrl + Shift + UToggle between expanding and collapsing the Formula Bar

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Format

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + GAlt + H + V + GPaste merging conditional formatting of the destination and source rangesThe Paste all merging conditional formats option is only enabled when copying a range that contains conditional formatting
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + TAlt + H + V + RPaste format
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + WAlt + H + V + WPaste column widths
Alt + 'Display the Style dialog box
Alt + BWithin Border tab of Format Cells dialog box, add/remove bottom border
Alt + DWithin Border tab of Format Cells dialog box, add/remove downward diagonal border
Alt + HWithin Border tab of Format Cells dialog box and when more than 1 row is selected, add/remove horizontal interior border
Alt + H + 0Increase the number of decimals displayed
Alt + H + 3 + DApply or remove double underlining
Alt + H + 5Decrease indent
Alt + H + 5Decrease indent
Alt + H + 6Increase indent
Alt + H + 6Increase indent
Alt + H + 9Decrease the number of decimals displayed
Alt + H + ABAlign text to the bottom of the cell
Alt + H + ACAlign text to the center (between left and right) of the cell
Alt + H + ALAlign text to the left of the cell
Alt + H + AMAlign text to the middle (between the top and the bottom) of the cell
Alt + H + ANChoose accounting format
Alt + H + AN + MDisplay the Format Cells dialog box with the Number tab and the Accounting category selected
Alt + H + ARAlign text to the right of the cell
Alt + H + ATAlign text to the top of the cell
Alt + H + BExpand Borders drop-down menu
Alt + H + B + AAll Borders
Alt + H + B + BBottom double border
Alt + H + B + CTop and thick bottom border
Alt + H + B + DTop and bottom border
Alt + H + B + EErase border
Alt + H + B + GDraw border grid
Alt + H + B + HThick bottom border
Alt + H + B + IChoose border line color
Alt + H + B + LLeft Border
Alt + H + B + MDisplay the Format Cells dialog box with the Border tab selected
Alt + H + B + NCtrl + Shift + -No Border
Alt + H + B + OBottom Border
Alt + H + B + PTop Border
Alt + H + B + RRight Border
Alt + H + B + SCtrl + Shift + 7Outside border
Alt + H + B + TThick box border
Alt + H + B + UTop and double bottom border
Alt + H + B + WDraw border
Alt + H + B + YChoose border line style
Alt + H + E + FClear formatting
Alt + H + FCChoose font color
Alt + H + FCExpand Font Color drop-down menu
Alt + H + FFChange the font face
Alt + H + FGIncrease font size one point
Alt + H + FGIncrease the font size by 1 point
Alt + H + FKDecrease font size one point
Alt + H + FKDecrease the font size by 1 point
Alt + H + FMDisplay the Format Cells dialog box with the Number tab selected
Alt + H + FNDisplay the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected
Alt + H + FPActivate the Format Painter
Alt + H + FQ + DRotate text down
Alt + H + FQ + LRotate text in an angle clockwise
Alt + H + FQ + MAlt + H + FADisplay the Format Cells dialog box with the Alignment tab selected
Alt + H + FQ + ORotate text in an angle counterclockwise
Alt + H + FQ + URotate text up
Alt + H + FQ + VRotate text so that it is vertical
Alt + H + FSChange the font size
Alt + H + HExpand Fill Color drop-down menu
Alt + H + H + NApply no fill color to current cell selection
Alt + H + JExpand the Cell Styles menu
Alt + H + J + MDisplay the Merge Styles dialog box to merge (copy) cell styles from another workbook
Alt + H + J + NDisplay the Style dialog box to create a new cell style
Alt + H + KFormat number with a thousands comma (,) separator
Alt + H + L + C + EClear conditional formatting rules from entire worksheet
Alt + H + L + C + PClear conditional formatting rules from selected PivotTableThis option is only active when the active cell is within a PivotTable
Alt + H + L + C + SClear conditional formatting rules from selected cells
Alt + H + L + C + TClear conditional formatting rules from selected tableThis option is only active when the active cell is within a table
Alt + H + L + DExpand the menu to set a conditional formatting rule using data bars with gradient or solid fill
Alt + H + L + D + MAlt + H + L + S + MAlt + H + L + I + MDisplay the New Conditional Formatting Rule dialog box, with the Format all cells based on their values rule type selected
Alt + H + L + H + ADisplay the A Data Occurring dialog box to conditionally format cells whose date occurs within the time period set in the rule
Alt + H + L + H + BDisplay the Between dialog box to conditionally format cells whose value is between the values set in the rule
Alt + H + L + H + DDisplay the Duplicate Values dialog box to conditionally format cells with duplicate or unique values in the selected cell range
Alt + H + L + H + EDisplay the Equal To dialog box to conditionally format cells whose value is equal to the value set in the rule
Alt + H + L + H + GDisplay the Greater Than dialog box to conditionally format cells whose value is greater than the value set in the rule
Alt + H + L + H + LDisplay the Less Than dialog box to conditionally format cells whose value is less than the value set in the rule
Alt + H + L + H + MDisplay the New Conditional Formatting Rule dialog box, with the Format only cells that contain rule type selected
Alt + H + L + H + TDisplay the Text That Contains dialog box to conditionally format cells whose text contains the text set in the rule
Alt + H + L + IExpand the menu to set a conditional formatting rule using icon sets
Alt + H + L + NDisplay the New Conditional Formatting Rule dialog box
Alt + H + L + RDisplay the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager
Alt + H + L + SExpand the menu to set a conditional formatting rule using color scales
Alt + H + L + T + ADisplay the Above Average dialog box to conditionally format cells that are above the average in the selected cell range
Alt + H + L + T + BDisplay the Bottom 10 Items dialog box to conditionally format cells that rank within the bottom values in the selected cell range
Alt + H + L + T + MDisplay the New Conditional Formatting Rule dialog box, with the Format only top or bottom ranked values rule type selected
Alt + H + L + T + ODisplay the Bottom 10% dialog box to conditionally format cells that rank within a certain bottom percentile in the selected cell range
Alt + H + L + T + PDisplay the Top 10% dialog box to conditionally format cells that rank within a certain top percentile in the selected cell range
Alt + H + L + T + TDisplay the Top 10 Items dialog box to conditionally format cells that rank within the top values in the selected cell range
Alt + H + L + T + VDisplay the Below Average dialog box to conditionally format cells that are below the average in the selected cell range
Alt + H + M + AMerge across cellsThe selected cells in the same row are merged
Alt + H + M + MMerge cells
Alt + H + M + UUnmerge cells
Alt + H + NChoose number format
Alt + H + O + AAuto-fit row height
Alt + H + O + HDisplay the Row Height dialog box
Alt + H + O + IAuto-fit column width
Alt + H + O + WDisplay the Column Width dialog box
Alt + H + TExpand Format as Table drop-down menu
Alt + H + TExpand the Format as Table menu
Alt + H + T + NDisplay the New Table Style dialog box
Alt + H + T + PDisplay the New PivotTable Style dialog box
Alt + H + WWrap text
Alt + LWithin Border tab of Format Cells dialog box, add/remove left border
Alt + RWithin Border tab of Format Cells dialog box, add/remove right border
Alt + TWithin Border tab of Format Cells dialog box, add/remove top border
Alt + VWithin Border tab of Format Cells dialog box and when more than 1 column is selected, add/remove vertical interior border
Ctrl + 1Alt + H + O + EDisplay Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl + 5Apply or remove strikethrough formatting
Ctrl + BCtrl + 2Alt + H + 1Apply or remove bold formatting
Ctrl + ICtrl + 3Alt + H + 2Apply or remove italic formatting
Ctrl + Shift + !Apply number formatDefault settings are: (1) 2 decimal places, (2) 1000 separator, and (3) minus (-) sign for negative values
Ctrl + Shift + #Apply date formatDefault setting is date, month and year
Ctrl + Shift + $Apply currency formatDefault settings are: (1) 2 decimal places, (2) 1000 separator, and (3) negative values within parentheses ( )
Ctrl + Shift + %Alt + H + PApply percentage formatDefault setting is without decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + &Add outside borders to selected cell(s)
Ctrl + Shift + @Apply time formatDefault settings are: (1) hour and minute, and (2) AM or PM
Ctrl + Shift + ^Apply scientific formatDefault setting is with 2 decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + _Remove outside borders
Ctrl + Shift + ~Apply general format
Ctrl + Shift + FCtrl + Shift + PDisplay the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected
Ctrl + TCtrl + LDisplay the Create Table dialog box
Ctrl + UCtrl + 4Alt + H + 3 + UApply or remove underlining
F4Repeat last command or action, when possible

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Formulas And Functions

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + FAlt + H + V + FPaste formulas
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + LAlt + H + V + NPaste link to source data
(Ctrl + Alt + V) + RAlt + H + V + OPaste formulas and number formatting
=Start/enter a formula
Alt + =Alt + H + U + SAutoSum
Alt + H + U + AAuto-calculate the average using the AVERAGE function
Alt + H + U + CAuto-count numbers using the COUNT function
Alt + H + U + IAuto-calculate the minimum value within a range using the MIN function
Alt + H + U + MAuto-calculate the maximum value within a range using the MAX function
Alt + M + A + ARemove Arrows from Formula Auditing
Alt + M + DTrace Dependents
Alt + M + PTrace Precedents
Alt + Shift + F10Display menu or message generated by error background checking
Ctrl + ADisplay the Function Arguments dialog box and insert function argumentsFunction name must have already been typed and insertion point must be to the right of the function name
Ctrl + A is also under the Navigation and Cell Selection category
Ctrl + Alt + F9Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooksApplies regardless of whether the worksheets/workbooks have/haven't been modified since the last calculation
Ctrl + F3Display the Name Manager dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + AInsert function argumentsFunction name must have already been typed and insertion point must be to the right of the function name
Ctrl + Shift + EnterEnter formula as array formula
Ctrl + Shift + F3Display the Create Names from Selection dialog box
F3Display the Paste Name dialog boxThere must be defined names in the workbook for command to be available
F4Toggles between available combinations of absolute and relative references
F9Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks
Shift + F3Alt + H + U + FDisplay the Insert Function dialog box
Shift + F9Calculate the current active worksheet
Shift + Tab(1) Complete formula and move one cell to the left in a worksheet or to previous unlocked cell in a protected sheet; (2) Select suggestion from autocomplete to complete formula and move one cell to the left or to previous unlocked cellShift + Tab is also under the Navigation and Selection and Data categories
Tab(1) Complete formula and move one cell to the right in a worksheet or to next unlocked cell in a protected sheet; (2) Select suggestion from autocomplete to complete formula and move one cell to the right or to next unlocked cellTab is also under the Navigation and Selection and Data categories

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: General

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
Alt + F4Close current active Excel window
Alt + SpaceDisplay Control menu
Alt + T + ODisplay Excel Options dialog box
Ctrl + YRedo/repeat last action or command
Ctrl + ZUndo/reverse last action or command

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Grid

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
Alt + A + G + GShift + Alt + Right Arrow(1) If several rows/columns are selected, group rows/columns; or (2) Otherwise, display Group dialog box
Alt + A + HHide grouped rows/columns
Alt + A + JShow grouped rows/columns
Alt + A + U + UShift + Alt + Left Arrow(1) If grouped rows/columns are selected, ungroup rows/columns; or (2) Otherwise, display Ungroup dialog box
Alt + H + M + CMerge & Center cells
Alt + H + WWrap Text
Ctrl + -Alt + H + D + D(1) Delete selected rows/columns; or (2) Display the Delete dialog box to delete cells/rows/columns
Alt + H + D + RDelete worksheet rows
Alt + H + D + CDelete worksheet columns
Alt + H + D + LDelete table rowsCommand is only available when active cell is within a table
Alt + H + D + MDelete table columns
Alt + H + O + HDisplay the Row Height dialog box
Alt + H + O + AAutoFit row height
Alt + H + O + WDisplay the Column Width dialog box
Alt + H + O + IAutoFit column width
Alt + H + O + DDisplay the Standard Width dialog box to change the default column width
Alt + H + O + LLock active cell(s)
Ctrl + 0Alt + H + O + U + CHide active column(s)
Ctrl + 8Alternate between hiding and displaying outline symbolsApplies if there are rows/columns grouped
Ctrl + 9Alt + H + O + U + RHide active row(s)
Ctrl + Shift + +Alt + H + I + E(1) Insert rows/columns above/to the left of the selected row/column; or (2) Display the Insert dialog box to insert cells/rows/columns
Alt + H + I + AInsert table rows above of the active cellCommand is only available when active cell is within a table
Alt + H + I + LInsert table columns to the left of the active cellCommand is only available when active cell is within a table
Alt + H + I + RInsert worksheet rows above of the active cell
Alt + H + I + CInsert worksheet columns to the left of the active cell
Ctrl + Shift + 0Alt + H + O + U + LUnhide any hidden columns within selectionMay not work in certain (particularly newer versions) of Excel by default. In those cases, you can usually enable the shortcut by modifying the language bar hotkey settings and changing the setting (e.g. selecting "Not Assigned") for the key sequence to switch input keyboard layout
Ctrl + Shift + 9Alt + H + O + U + OUnhide any hidden rows within selection

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Navigation And Selection

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
(Ctrl + Home) + (Ctrl + Shift + End)Select entire used range of worksheet, from first to last cell
Alt(1) Within cells with AutoFilter lists, close AutoFilter list; or (2) Within dialog boxes, close the expanded drop-down list box
Alt + ;F5 + (Alt + S) + YSelect visible cells
Alt + A to Alt + ZWithin a dialog box: (1) Select an option; or (2) Select/clear a checkboxSpecific letter is underlined in the label of the relevant option/checkbox
Alt + Down Arrow(1) Within cells with AutoComplete lists or AutoFilter lists, display the AutoComplete list or AutoFilter list; or (2) Within dialog boxes, expand the selected drop-down list box
Alt + FGo to Backstage View
Alt + Page Down / Alt + Page UpGo one screen to the right within active sheet / Go one screen to the left within active sheet
Alt + TabSwitch windows and go to next workbook
Alt + Up ArrowClose AutoComplete list
Arrow Keys(1) Within a worksheet, go to cell to the right, left, up or down of current active cell; (2) Within the Ribbon, move to the option to the next (right) or previous (left) option or tab; (3) Within a menu or sub-menu, switch between the main menu and the sub-menu; (4) Within a drop-down list, move between items; (5) Within a group of options, move between options; or (6) When Extend Selection mode is on, extend selection
Ctrl + Shift + *F5 + (Alt + S) + RWhen in a cell, select data area around active cell
Ctrl + .When in a cell selection, move active cell clockwise to next corner (top-right > bottom-right > bottom-left > top-left)
Ctrl + [F5 + (Alt + S) + PGo to direct precedents within active worksheet
Ctrl + ]F5 + (Alt + S) + DGo to direct dependents within active worksheet
Ctrl + ACtrl + Shift + Spacebar(1) When in a cell, select data area around active cell (press shortcut a second or third time to select entire worksheet) or select entire worksheet; or (2) When an object is selected, select all such objects in worksheetCtrl + A is also under the Formulas and Functions category
Ctrl + Arrow Keys(1) Go to edge of current data area; or (2) Within a cell, skip a word to the left or to the rightWithin a cell, only right and left arrows can be used
Ctrl + BackspaceGo to active cell in worksheet
Ctrl + EndF5 + (Alt + S) + SGo to last cell (cell in lowest used row and right-most used column) of worksheet
Ctrl + EndWithin a cell, go to end of cell contents
Ctrl + FShift + F5Alt + H + FD + FDisplay the Find and Replace dialog with the Find tab selected
Ctrl + F6Alternate between current active workbook window and next workbook window
Ctrl + GF5Alt + H + FD + GDisplay the Go To dialog box
Ctrl + HAlt + H + FD + RDisplay the Find and Replace dialog with the Replace tab selected
Ctrl + Home(1) Go to first cell of worksheet; or (2) Within a cell, go to beginning of cell contents
Ctrl + Left-Mouse-Button ClickAdd non-adjacent (1) Cells to current cell selection; or (2) Sheets to current sheet selection
Ctrl + Page Down / Ctrl + Page UpGo to next sheet to the right / Go to prior sheet to the left
Ctrl + Shift + {F5 + (Alt + S) + D + LGo to all precedents (direct and indirect) within active worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + }F5 + (Alt + S) + P + LGo to all dependents (direct and indirect) within active worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys(1) Extend selection to edge of current data area; or (2) Within a cell, select (or add to selection) the word to the left or to the right of the current selection/insertion pointWithin a cell, only right and left arrows can be used
Ctrl + Shift + End(1) Extend selection to last cell (cell in lowest used row and right-most used column) of worksheet; or (2) Within a cell or the Formula Bar, select (or add to selection) all the words from the current selection/insertion point to the end of contents of cell or Formula Bar
Ctrl + Shift + F4Find previous match
Ctrl + Shift + Home(1) Extend selection to first cell of worksheet; or (2) Within a cell or the Formula Bar, select (or add to selection) all the words from the current selection/insertion point to the beginning of contents of cell or Formula Bar
Ctrl + Shift + OF5 + (Alt + S) + CAlt + H + FD + MGo to cells with comments
Ctrl + Shift + Page Down / Ctrl + Shift + Page UpSelect current active and next sheet to the right / Select current active and prior sheet to the left
Ctrl + Shift + Tab(1) Go to previous workbook; or (2) Within a dialog box, go to previous tab
Ctrl + SpaceSelect active columnWithin a table: (1) First time shortcut is pressed selects active column within table; (2) Second time shortcut is pressed selects active column header (if any); and (3) Third time shortcut is pressed selects active column of worksheet
Ctrl + Tab(1) Go to next workbook; or (2) Within a dialog box, go to next tab
End(1) Turn End mode on; (2) Within a cell, go to end of current line; (3) When Scroll Lock is turned on, go to cell in lower-right corner of the window; or (4) When a menu or sub-menu is visible, select last command of the menu or sub-menuWhen End mode is on: (1) Use arrow keys to go to edge of current data area; (2) Use Home to go to last cell (cell in lowest used row and right-most used column) of worksheet; (3) Use Enter to go to last non-blank cell to the right. End mode turns off automatically after pressing arrow/Home/Enter key
Enter(1) Within Ribbon, display selected tab or execute selected command; (2) Within a dialog box, perform action for default command button in dialog box; (3) Within cell selection, move active cell to next cell (usually right or down); or (4) Within Data Form, go to first field in next recordEnter is also under the Data category
EnterWithin cell selection, move active cell to previous cell (usually left or up)
Esc(1) Within menu, submenu, dialog box or message window, cancel the command and close the menu, submenu, dialog box or message window; (2) When object is selected, cancel selectionEsc is also under the Data category
F1Display the Help Task paneWhen a command or control is selected, the Help Task pane displays the Help topic associated with the command or control. If no Help topic is associated, the Home of the Help Task pane is displayed
F5 + (Alt + S)Alt + H + FD + SDisplay the Go To Special dialog box
F5 + (Alt + S) + ASelect the current array
F5 + (Alt + S) + BAlt + H + FD + OSelect all objects in worksheet
Alt + H + FD + PDisplay/hide the Selection task pane
F5 + (Alt + S) + D + LGo to all dependents
F5 + (Alt + S) + FAlt + H + FD + UGo to cells with formulas
F5 + (Alt + S) + KGo to blank cells
F5 + (Alt + S) + MSelect column differences
F5 + (Alt + S) + OAlt + H + FD + NGo to cells with constants
F5 + (Alt + S) + P + LGo to all precedents
F5 + (Alt + S) + TAlt + H + FD + CSelect cells with conditional formatting
F5 + (Alt + S) + T + ESelect cells with same conditional formatting
F5 + (Alt + S) + VAlt + H + FD + VSelect cells with data validation
F5 + (Alt + S) + V + ESelect cells with same data validation
F5 + (Alt + S) + WSelect row differences
F6Switch between panes in the following order: worksheet, Ribbon, Task pane, Zoom controlsIn a split worksheet, this shortcut includes the split panes
F8Turn Extend Selection mode on or offExtend Selection mode allows you to extend the current selection using only the arrow keys
Home(1) Go to beginning of a row in a worksheet; (2) Within a cell, go to beginning of current line; (3) When Scroll Lock is turned on, go to cell in upper-left corner of the window; or (4) When a menu or sub-menu is visible, select first command of the menu or sub-menu
Left Mouse Button + ShiftAdd adjacent cells or worksheets to current selection
Page Down / Page UpMove 1 screen down / 1 screen up
Shift + Arrow Keys(1) Extend selection by 1 cell; or (2) Within a cell, select (or add to selection) the character to the left or to the right of the current selection/insertion pointWithin a cell, you can only use right and left arrow keys
Shift + BackspaceWhen multiple cells are selected, select only the active cell
Shift + EndWithin a cell, select to the end of the current row
Shift + F10Display the Context/Shortcut menu for the selected itemEquivalent to right-mouse-button click
Shift + F4Repeat last find action/Find next match
Shift + F6Switch between panes in the following order: worksheet, Zoom controls, Task pane, RibbonIn a split worksheet, this shortcut includes the split panes
Shift + F8Add non-adjacent range to current selectionUse arrow keys to move to beginning of new selection. Use Shift + Arrow keys to select new selection
Shift + Home(1) Select to the beginning of the current row or (2) Within a cell, select to the beginning of the current row
Shift + Page Down / Shift + Page UpExtend selection 1 screen down / 1 screen up
Shift + SpaceSelect active rowWithin a table: (1) First time shortcut is pressed selects active row within table; (2) Second time shortcut is pressed selects active row of worksheet
Shift + Tab(1) Move one cell to the left in a worksheet or to previous unlocked cell in a protected worksheet; (2) Within a selection, move active cell to the left; (3) Within a dialog box or the Ribbon, move to previous option or option groupShift + Tab is also under the Data and Formulas and Functions categories
Spacebar(1) Within a dialog box, perform the action that corresponds to the selected button, or select or clear a checkbox; (2) Within the Ribbon, activate the selected command or control or open the selected menu or gallery
Tab(1) Move one cell to the right in a worksheet or to next unlocked cell in a protected worksheet; (2) Within a selection, move active cell to the right; (3) Within a dialog box or the Ribbon, move to next option or option groupTab is also under the Data and Formulas and Functions categories

350 + Excel Keyboard Shortcuts And Hotkeys: Free PDF Cheat Sheet (10)

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: PivotTables

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
Alt + N + VPivotTable

350 + Excel Keyboard Shortcuts And Hotkeys: Free PDF Cheat Sheet (11)

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Print

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
Alt + P + R + SSet Print Area
Alt + P + S + PDisplay the Page Setup dialog box
Ctrl + F2Display Print Preview area on Print tab of Backstage View
Ctrl + PDisplay Print tab of Backstage View (print)

350 + Excel Keyboard Shortcuts And Hotkeys: Free PDF Cheat Sheet (12)

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Sort And Filter

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
Alt + A + QAdvanced Filter
Alt + A + SAAlt + H + S + SSort smallest to largest
Alt + A + SDAlt + H + S + OSort largest to smallest
Alt + A + SSAlt + H + S + UDisplays the Sort dialog box
Alt + A + V + VDisplay the Data Validation dialog box
Alt + H + S + CClear filter
Ctrl + Alt + LAlt + H + S + YReapply filter and sort on current range
Ctrl + Shift + LAlt + H + S + FTurn filter on or off
Right Mouse Button + E + VFilter by the selected cell's value

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Text

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
Alt + A + EDisplay the Convert Text to Columns Wizard
Alt + A + FTDisplay the Import Text File dialog box

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: VBA And Macros

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
F5Within the Visual Basic Editor, execute macroF5 is also under the Navigation and Selection category
Alt + F11(1) If Visual Basic Editor is closed, open Visual Basic Editor; or (2) If Visual Basic Editor is open, toggle between Excel and Visual Basic Editor
Alt + F8Alt + W + M + VDisplay the Macro dialog box
Alt + L + IExpand the Insert Form Controls and ActiveX Controls drop-down menu
Alt + W + M + RRecord Macro
Alt + W + M + UUse Relative References
Ctrl + GDisplay the Immediate Window in the Visual Basic Editor
F2Within the Visual Basic Editor, display the Object Browser

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Workbooks And Worksheets

Shortcut #1Shortcut #2Shortcut #3Basic DescriptionAdditional Comments
Alt + H + D + SAlt + E + LDelete current active sheet
Alt + H + D + SDelete active worksheet
Alt + H + O + MAlt + E + MDisplay the Move or Copy sheet dialog
Alt + H + O + MDisplay the Move or Copy dialog box to move or copy the active worksheet
Alt + H + O + PDisplay the Protect Sheet dialog box
Alt + H + O + RAlt + O + H + RRename current active sheet
Alt + H + O + RRename active worksheet
Alt + H + O + TExpand the sheet Tab Color drop-down menu
Alt + H + O + TExpand the Tab Color drop-down menu
Alt + H + O + T + NSet current worksheet tab to have no color
Alt + H + O + U + HDisplay the Unhide sheet dialog box
Alt + H + O + U + HDisplay the Unhide dialog box to unhide a worksheet
Alt + H + O + U + SHide current active sheet
Alt + H + O + U + SHide active worksheet
Alt + Shift + F1Insert new worksheet
Ctrl + F11New Macro sheet
Ctrl + F12Display the Open dialog box
Ctrl + F4Close current selected workbook window
Ctrl + F7Apply Move command on active workbook window (when not maximized)(1) Use arrow keys to move window; and (2) When finished, use Enter to confirm or Esc to cancel
Ctrl + F8Apply Resize command on active workbook window (when not maximized)(1) Use arrow keys to move window; and (2) When finished, use Enter to confirm or Esc to cancel
Ctrl + F9Minimize current selected workbook window
Ctrl + NCreate a new blank workbook
Ctrl + ODisplay Open tab of Backstage View (open a workbook)
Ctrl + SShift + F12Save active file (1) using current file name and format, and (2) in current file location
Ctrl + WClose the selected workbook
F12Alt + F2Display the Save As dialog box
Shift + F11Alt + H + I + SInsert a new worksheet in the current workbook

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.